Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor Supervisor
Larry Stephens is a professional counselor working in private practice in Dayton, Ohio. He specializes in clinical mental health and substance abuse counseling. With over 29 years of combined counseling and clinical/administrative supervisory experience in the Behavioral Healthcare field, and he is currently serving as a private practitioner working with a broad spectrum of adult clients. Among his areas of expertise are substance abuse/dependence, spiritual issues, depression/anxiety, marriage/other relationship issues, social skills development, anger management, sexual compulsivity, grief and loss, stage of life transition/adjustment issues.
Larry is eclectic in his use of counseling techniques and believes that the best counseling outcomes occur when individuals accept reality, learn from the past/focus on the present and accept personal responsibility for change through the initiation of new thoughts and behaviors.
Larry is able to help individuals who are specifically seeking Christian Counseling and is author of two books: Please Let Me Know You God and Laying a Foundation for Your Childs Faith.
He works with ages 18 yrs old and up.